火曜日, 1月 08, 2008

NZNOG2008のお知らせ(January 23 to January 25 2008)

NANOG,SANOG,AusNOGにて受信 たぶんNZNOGとPacNOGからもDigestでくるかも。

Denedin という古い街で開催らしい。(とは言っても150年くらいしか歴史がないが)

A quick reminder that the NZNOG 2008 conference is only two weeks
away now.


We need to finalise numbers very shortly now, so go ahead and
register NOW if you intend to come and haven't already.

The largely-finalised programme is up on the website, there's been
some great new additions over the past month so do check it out at:


Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you in Dunedin!

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